This code is like having a secret menu at a restaurant. You can set different prices for different user roles on your website. It’s super easy to use and saves you from installing a bunch of unnecessary plugins. Plus, it’s all in Spanish, so no conflicts with other plugins! 💰🍔 #Woocommerce #SecretMenu

Hey everyone, we’re back with a new video on, and today we’ll be sharing a quick code to add a pricing box for different user roles on your website. For example, a product can cost $20 for a subscriber and $30 for an editor. The great thing about this code is that it automatically detects and lists all the roles you have on your WordPress site. So, you only need to use what you require. If you leave the price fields empty, the regular price will be applicable to everyone. You can find the code to copy [here](#).

If you want to use the code, simply add it to the `function.php` of your child theme or in a plugin file like cod snip. You can find the links to copy the code right below. Once you’ve added the code, you don’t need to change anything else. Just activate it, and you’re good to go.

If we open my sample web page, I already have the code snipe plugin installed, with the code added. You don’t need to configure anything, as each function and action in the code is explained in the comments. Now, let’s put the code to the test.

With the configuration set, you can adjust the price for different roles. If you leave it blank, the product will be priced at $25 for everyone. But if you set it to $15 for the administrator, the price will change accordingly.

This custom code allows you to easily set different prices based on user roles, without the need for additional plugins that may include excessive lines of code and features you don’t need. This personalized code occupies less than 100 lines and saves you the hassle of dealing with conflicts with other plugins.

If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up, leave a comment, and we’ll see you in the next tutorial. Take care! 👋

## Key Takeaways
– With custom user role pricing, products can be offered at different rates based on user roles.
– Implementing code-based solutions for features like user role pricing can minimize the need for additional plugins.
– Personalized code can significantly reduce the complexities associated with conflicting plugins.

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