The key insight here is that finding a winning product for dropshipping is the first step to success. Use the Twitter method, Tik Tok trends, or winning product software like Autod DS to find products that solve a problem, have a "wow" factor, and are easy to ship. Once you have a product, create a Shopify store, set the right price, and use paid traffic to get your business off the ground. It’s all about finding the right product and making it easy for customers to purchase. And remember, don’t use your personal email for business! 🚀


This video offers a comprehensive guide for beginners looking to start a successful drop shipping business. The instructor covers various aspects including finding winning products, strategies for building a store, order fulfillment, and tips for achieving success in the industry.

Finding Winning Products

In the video, the instructor discusses three methods for finding winning products, including the "Twitter method," "#TikTokmademebuyit method," and the use of "Winning Product Software" by AutoDS. Each method is detailed, allowing learners to gain insights into effective product research strategies.

Method Description
Twitter Method Scrolling through Twitter to identify ads promoting winning products.
#TikTokmademebuyit Method Searching TikTok for trending products with the most likes.
Winning Product Software Utilizing AutoDS’s software to analyze winning products through data and advertisements.

Building Your Shopify Store

Choosing A Name and Logo

The instructor provides tips on naming your store and creating a logo, including the use of AI-generated business names and platforms like Canva or Fiverr for logo design.

When creating a logo, ensure it relates to the product you’re selling and has a maximum of three colors. Download or create it as a PNG file to avoid a white square background.

Signing Up for Shopify

Instructions are given for signing up for Shopify with a new email address and using the platform to import and price products, organize images, create product pages, and add reviews.

Fulfilling Orders

Using AutoDS for order automation, the video explains the process of alerting the system with pending orders, handling shipping, and confirming delivery.

Getting Traffic to Your Store

The importance of both paid and organic traffic is emphasized, with recommendations for utilizing paid TikTok ads and taking advantage of the affiliate link for sign-ups.

Did you find this guide helpful? If you’re still unsure about starting your drop shipping journey, you can watch the instructor’s video where he made $1,000 in one week without spending any money – watch it here


Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn from a successful 20-year-old drop shipper. By following the strategies shared in the video, beginners can make progress towards building a profitable business in 2024 and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • Finding winning products requires a thoughtful approach and critical evaluation.
  • Utilize resources like AutoDS and Shopify to streamline your drop shipping process.
  • Optimize your marketing strategy through paid ads and organic traffic for maximum impact.


  • How can I create a professional logo for my store?

    • You can hire a freelancer from platforms like Fiverr or create one using platforms like Canva.
  • What is the best recommended ecommerce platform for beginners?

    • 99% of drop shippers use Shopify for its user-friendly and comprehensive features.
  • Are there free ad credits available for TikTok ads?

    • Yes, new members can receive up to $1,500 in free ad credits through the affiliated link provided in this guide.

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God bless

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