Yoast SEO plugin is the key to unlocking the secrets of WordPress SEO. With free and premium versions, it’s a game-changer for improving blog post SEO. Focus on keywords, optimize meta descriptions, and use internal and outbound links for maximum impact. It’s a must-have for getting your content on the first page of Google! 🚀


In this tutorial, I will show you how to use the Yoast SEO plugin to improve the SEO of your WordPress blog post. Yoast SEO is available in both free and premium versions, and I will demonstrate the differences between the two and the additional features offered in the premium plugin.

Installing Yoast SEO Plugin

To get started, you can install the Yoast SEO plugin by going to the "Add New" section in your WordPress dashboard and searching for "Yoast SEO". Once installed, you can activate it and begin using it to optimize your blog posts for SEO.

Using Yoast SEO Free Plugin

After installation, you will find the Yoast SEO settings on the right-hand side of your blog post editor. This will show you the SEO score of each post and provide suggestions to improve it. It’s important to ensure that your posts receive a green SEO score for optimal performance.

Setting Focus Keyword and Search Appearance

You can add a focus keyword for your blog post and ensure it is reflected in the SEO title, meta description, and URL. This will help improve the search appearance and visibility of your post on search engines.

SEO Analysis and On-Page Optimization

The plugin provides a detailed analysis of your content, including keyphrase distribution, subheadings, outbound links, internal links, and image optimization. By following these on-page SEO guidelines, you can improve the overall performance of your blog posts.

Upgrading to Yoast SEO Premium Plugin

If you choose to upgrade to the premium version of Yoast SEO, you will have access to additional features such as related keyphrase suggestions, internal linking suggestions, and schema and social media optimizations. These features can further enhance the SEO performance of your blog posts.

Tracking SEO Performance and Readability

With the premium plugin, you can track the performance of your blog posts, including keyword density, readability score, and internal link suggestions. This allows you to monitor and improve the SEO of your content effectively.

Evaluating SEO Performance

By using the Yoast SEO plugin, you can monitor the performance of your blog posts and track their ranking on search engines. This will help you understand how the plugin contributes to your overall SEO strategy and the visibility of your content.


In conclusion, the Yoast SEO plugin, both in its free and premium versions, offers valuable tools and insights to help improve the on-page SEO of your WordPress blog posts. By following the guidelines provided by the plugin, you can enhance the visibility and performance of your content on search engines.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoast SEO provides comprehensive on-page SEO analysis and optimization for WordPress blog posts.
  • The premium version offers additional features such as related keyphrase suggestions and internal linking suggestions.
  • Monitoring the SEO performance of your blog posts can help you track their visibility and ranking on search engines.

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