The WholesaleX plugin is the ultimate game-changer for WooCommerce wholesale management. With features like whale pricing, user role management, and dynamic discount rules, it’s like having a magic wand for your business. 🪄 Say goodbye to manual calculations and hello to big money transactions! It’s time to dive into the deep end of the global B2B e-commerce market, and WholesaleX is your ticket to success. 💰🚀 Cheers to your booming wholesale business!

Introduction 🛍️

Are you in need of a robust solution to operate your Wholesale store or planning to operate a hybrid B2B or B2C store? In this article, we will discuss the features of WholesaleX, an all-in-one wholesale solution for WooCommerce.

Features of WholesaleX

The feature list of WholesaleX is extensive, covering everything from wholesale pricing to user roles, bulk orders, and more.

Key Takeaways:

Features Description
Whale Pricing Allows you to add whale pricing for your store products
Restrict Access Hides your WooCommerce store from logged out users
Product Visibility Option to display or hide specific product categories
Bulk Order Form Buyers can order any product in bulk amounts
User Role Management Creates unlimited roles to manage multiple users
Request a Quote Allows customers to start price negotiation
Multiple Pricing Tiers Sets different pricing based on product quantity range
Registration Form Eases customer acquisition with a custom registration form
Sub Account Management Assigns multiple users to execute different tasks
Wallet Management Digitalized feature for managing funds and payments
Dynamic Discount Rules Create dynamic rules for global whale pricing and discount
Conversation Feature Built-in feature for communicating with customers
Additional Features 27+ actionable features such as BOGO discounts, tax exemption

How to Use WholesaleX

Steps Description
Step 1: Add Prices Add wholesale prices for your store products
Step 2: Manage Users Manage groups of users with different rules
Step 3: Create B2B User Registration Form Set up your wholesale store

The Wholesale Market

The B2B e-commerce market was valued at 7.8 trillion USD in 2020 and is expected to reach 26.5 trillion dollars in 2028. To become part of this multi-trillion dollar market, consider activating WholesaleX for your business.

Conclusion: WholesaleX is the perfect plugin to streamline your wholesale operations and supercharge your business. Check the latest updates and activate it to become part of the global B2B e-commerce market. Cheers! 🎉

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