The new shop video section on Shopify is a game changer! You can display user-generated MP4 videos with ratings, text, and a buy now option. Perfect for video testimonials. Just copy, paste, and customize. Works on all themes and browsers. Mobile-friendly too! Get ready to wow your customers with shoppable video sliders! 💥🎥🔥


Welcome back, graduates! Today, I’m excited to introduce a new section and snippet called the Shop Video Section, designed to display MP4 videos along with a rating option, text, heading, and a buy now feature. This feature works exceptionally well for showcasing user-generated content, making it perfect for video testimonials. Let’s dive into the details!

As always, you’ll be provided with a document that you can easily copy and paste into your Shopify dashboard, regardless of the theme or browser you’re using. We’ve tested and verified that this section works seamlessly, and upon purchase, you’ll receive a Google Docs format, a text file, and an RTF file for easy installation.

| Key Takeaways |
| Seamless integration |
| Abundance of customization options |
| Perfect for user-generated content |

Installing the Shoppable Video Slider

To install the Shoppable Video Slider, you’ll simply need to add a new section in your Shopify dashboard and copy-paste the designated code. Once added, the fun part begins.

| Quick Start Guide |
| Add new section in Shopify dashboard |
| Copy and paste the provided code |
| Customize the section according to your preferences |

Customizing the Video Slider

After adding the section, you can customize the video slider based on your preferences. You can easily change the text, bold it, change the size, color the text, or show/hide progress cards to display the number of sales.

.section-heading {
  font-size: 24px;
  color: #333;

Preview and Configuration

Now, one of the common questions we’ve received is regarding the functionality of the section within the theme editor. Keep in mind that many changes may not be visible within the theme editor, so it’s best to preview your shop to see the changes in action. Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect.

// Sample Preview Code
func previewShoppableVideoSlider() {

Mobile and Responsive View

For mobile view, the video slider will appear sleek and optimal, ensuring the display looks impeccable. You can adjust the text alignment, the number of videos displayed, the video size, and customize the progress size scaling as well.

| Mobile Optimization |
| Sleek and optimal display |
| Customizable video settings |
| Imperative responsive view |

Advanced Customization Options

You also have the option to customize the appearance further by adding a background image, setting a dark overlay, configuring CSS for the section, and adjusting the appearance for a range of screen sizes. With flexibility and customization at your fingertips, creating an engaging and polished section has never been easier.

| Advanced Customization |
| Background image options |
| Customizable CSS |
| Flexibility across screen sizes |

Formatting Videos and Text

To populate the video slider, you’ll add the video URL from the backend of your Shopify store. You can even overlay the videos with text and customize the opacity, ensuring a captivating showcase of your products.

<!-- Sample Video Formatting -->
<div id="video-slider">
  <video controls>
    <source src="/content/files/sample-video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <div id="overlay-text">
    <p>Product Showcase</p>


In conclusion, the Shoppable Video Slider is a must-have addition for any Shopify store looking to showcase engaging video content and drive sales. With an abundance of customization options and seamless integration, it’s a versatile tool that’s sure to elevate your store’s visual appeal and user experience.

🛒 Ready to Level Up? Contact us and Get Started Today!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I use the Shoppable Video Slider with any Shopify theme?

Yes, the Shoppable Video Slider can be integrated with any Shopify theme for a seamless experience.

Can I customize the appearance of the video and text overlay?

Absolutely! You have complete control over the appearance, including the video size, text overlay, and more.

How many videos can I display at once?

You can set the number of videos to appear on wide screens and smaller screens, ensuring a consistent user experience across all devices.

Thank you for tuning in! We hope you found this tutorial helpful, and we look forward to seeing your Shoppable Video Slider in action. For more exciting updates and feature releases, stay tuned and connect with us via our YouTube channel!

Customize Shop Video Section

[Original text has been edited and formatted for clarity and readability.]

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