Creating an infinitely rotating logo on Squarespace is like putting your brand on a hypnotic carousel 🎠. With a few lines of CSS magic, your circular logo can spin at any pace you fancy. Just set up the animation, transform it from 0Β° to 359Β°, and loop it infinitely. Whether you want a slow twirl or a fast spin that makes heads spin, it’s all in your control. Check out the blog post in the description for more details!


I remember I saw this effect on a website probably 3 or 4 years ago and I remember saying to myself I’m going to use that on my website and I tried to use it didn’t look great because my logo on my personal website by Crawford is just text which doesn’t work well when it’s rotating but if you’ve got a circular logo this code is going to work really well on your website so what it’s going to do is infinitely rotate your logo at whatever Pace you want.

Key Takeaways
Here’s a quick summary of the key takeaways from this tutorial:

Takeaways Description
Infinite Rotation Learn to create an infinitely rotating logo on Squarespace
Custom CSS Understand the implementation and customization process
Adjusting Pace Find out how to change the rotation pace to your preference


Implementation of the Code

So we’ve got our logo in here and what we want to do is make it spin. We go into the website and then down into website tools and then into custom CSS. I’ve already set up the animation here using keyframes, so you can either pause the video now and check this out and put it in or it’s going to be linked in a blog post in the description.

Step by Step Guide:

  1. Go to website tools and click on custom CSS.
  2. Set up the animation using keyframes for rotation.
  3. Define the specific transformation requirements for the logo rotation.

Targeting the Logo

Let me take off these and we’re going to look for how to actually target the logo now. What we’re going to do is Click shift command and C on Mac and we’re going to hover over our logo and we’re going to find out what that Target is. To me, it looks like this header title logo image; we can probably do without the image part, so I’m going to stick that here and get rid of the image and there we go, our logo starts to rotate.

Useful Tip:
To target the logo, you can use the shift command and C on Mac and hover over the logo to find its target.

Adjusting the Rotation Pace

If you want it to go slower, you can slow that right down or you can make it go stupidly quick. Make sure bit dizzy doesn’t it that one. I would just stick at five to be honest. I think that is a nice Midway point between stupidly slow and stupidly fast.

That’s how you do it. As I say, it’s going to be linked in a blog post in the description so to manually inputting it head there or if you don’t want to click through then feel free just to pause the video and copy this. Hopefully, you found this useful. If you did, make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe!


  • Can I use this effect with a text-based logo?
    • Unfortunately, no. This code is meant for logos that are circular in shape.

Key Takeaways
Here’s a quick summary of the key takeaways from this tutorial:

Takeaways Description
Infinite Rotation Learn to create an infinitely rotating logo on Squarespace
Custom CSS Understand the implementation and customization process
Adjusting Pace Find out how to change the rotation pace to your preference

Internal Links


Contact Information

If you want me to build your Squarespace website, you can get in touch with me using the links in the description.

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