WordPress 6.5 update adds the ability to maintain background image proportions on mobile devices, a game changer for site design. No more unwanted cropping – major win! Can’t wait to see the full potential of this update. Stay tuned for the review! 🚀 #WordPressUpdate #WebDesignGem

Something small but HUGE is coming to WordPress 6.5 🔥

📅 WordPress 6.5 Release Date: March 26, 2024

WordPress 6.5 is set to bring about some significant changes and updates, with features such as the ability to add custom fonts with no plugins, native support for custom fields, the potential addition of Mega menus to sites without plugins, and an overlooked but potentially game-changing update.

📱 WordPress 6.5 Mobile Update

The major update with WordPress 6.5 involves the handling of background images on mobile devices. Unlike its predecessor, WordPress 6.4, the upcoming version will no longer crop the background image by default when resized for mobile view. This means that the proportions of the image will be maintained, providing users with a more visually consistent and user-friendly experience.

📐 Theoretical Background of the Cover Block in WordPress 6.4

In WordPress 6.4, the cover block logic zooms in on background images to maintain proportions when viewed on mobile devices. This is essential to ensure consistency and fit text within the constraints of the image. However, the downside is that it often results in significant cropping of the background image, which may not be ideal for many websites.

WordPress 6.5 Aspect Ratio Setting

A significant improvement in WordPress 6.5 introduces the aspect ratio setting within the cover block, allowing users to define the desired aspect ratio for their background images. This overrides the default behavior of zooming in on the background image, providing a solution to maintain image proportions without the need for extensive cropping.

📲 Visual Comparison: WordPress 6.4 vs. WordPress 6.5

By comparing the mobile view of a website running on WordPress 6.4 and WordPress 6.5, the difference is clear. The 6.4 version results in noticeable cropping of the background image, while the 6.5 version maintains the full image without any cropping. This improvement, combined with the intelligent resizing capabilities of the cover block, ensures an optimal visual experience for users across different devices.


The upcoming release of WordPress 6.5 brings a game-changing update that addresses the handling of background images, specifically on mobile devices. With the ability to define aspect ratios, users can maintain image proportions without excessive cropping, providing a more seamless and visually appealing experience for website visitors.

💡 Key Takeaways

  • WordPress 6.5 introduces the aspect ratio setting within the cover block for background images.
  • This setting enables users to maintain image proportions without significant cropping, providing a more visually consistent experience across devices.


  • Q: When is WordPress 6.5 expected to be released?

    • A: WordPress 6.5 is scheduled to be released on March 26, 2024.
  • Q: What are the notable updates in WordPress 6.5?

    • A: Notable updates include the ability to add custom fonts with no plugins, native support for custom fields, and the addition of aspect ratio settings for cover blocks, among others.

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Keep well, and stay tuned for more exciting updates! 👋

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