The biggest mistake people make on the services page of their Squarespace website is putting all the information for different services on one page. Instead, create separate pages for each service, either with a dropdown menu or a general overview linking to separate pages. This improves SEO and user experience, leading to better results and more sales. Don’t make the mistake of putting everything on one page! 😉 #SquarespaceSEO #UserExperience #SeparatePages


Hi guys, it’s Charlotte and welcome back to my channel, or welcome if you are new here. In today’s video, we are going to be talking about the number one thing that people get wrong when they’re setting up the services page on their Squarespace website. We’ll be discussing the biggest mistake that people make from both a design and an SEO point of view.

Importance of SEO for Your Services Page

As a Squarespace SEO expert, Squarespace is my bread and butter. It’s my main area of interest and something that I believe isn’t talked about enough when people create a website or design their services. Your services page is a key element in getting your services in front of potential clients and customers. Therefore, SEO should be a big consideration in its setup.

Common Mistakes in Services Page Design

Most people overlook the importance of SEO when building their services pages. They focus on the aesthetic aspect, but fail to realize that better SEO can lead to more traffic and a greater chance of reaching ideal clients and customers online.

Introduction to the Squarespace SEO Checklist

Before we dive into the specifics, I want to let you know that I have a free Squarespace SEO checklist available for download. This comprehensive checklist has been downloaded by thousands of people and can help you in setting up a well-rounded SEO strategy for your Squarespace website.

Examining the Common Mistake in Services Page Design

Let’s take a look at what most people do that is not optimized and incorrect. When setting up their services page, many individuals include all of their services on a single page with a ‘book now’ call-to-action for each service. This approach is detrimental from an SEO standpoint and may confuse search engines.

Service Number Description Call to Action
Service 1 Information about service 1 Book Now
Service 2 Information about service 2 Book Now
Service 3 Information about service 3 Book Now

SEO Considerations

From an SEO perspective, having all services on one page can confuse search engines and hinder the chances of individual services ranking well in online search results.

Better SEO Strategies for Services Page

There are two better ways to set up your services page to improve SEO and user experience. The first option is to link each service to a separate page, allowing you to provide detailed long-form content for each service. The second option is to organize your services into a folder dropdown in the main navigation, with each service having its own dedicated page.

Service Description Learn More
Service 1 A brief overview Learn More
Service 2 A brief overview Learn More
Service 3 A brief overview Learn More

Benefits of Improved SEO Strategy

By adopting these better SEO strategies for your services page, you can expect to see improved search rankings and an increase in conversions. Ultimately, these strategies will lead to better visibility and increased sales for your services.


I hope this video has shed light on the importance of setting up your Squarespace services page for optimal SEO and user experience. If you found this helpful, please consider grabbing a copy of the free Squarespace SEO checklist and explore more resources available on my website and YouTube channel.

Key Takeaways

  • Consider SEO when setting up your Squarespace services page
  • Organize your services into separate pages or use a folder dropdown for better SEO
  • Improved SEO strategies can lead to better search rankings and increased sales.

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