"Boosting WordPress page speed is like giving your site a shot of espresso ☕. Condense your media, use WebP, and custom load your fonts to shave off those loading seconds. With free tools like FastPress and WP Fastest Cache, you can hit a 99% mobile score without breaking a sweat. Build smart, score big! 💪"

Quick Tips on Boosting WordPress Page Speed Optimization

WordPress Media Settings

When optimizing your WordPress website for speed, a good place to start is by adjusting your media settings. Head to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to settings. Here, you can adjust the thumbnail, medium, and large image sizes to optimize the loading of images on your website. Additionally, remember to use WebP format for your images to ensure faster loading times.

Media Settings Details
Thumbnail Size Keep
Medium Size Set to 0
Large Size Set to 0

Custom Loading Fonts

Custom loading your fonts can significantly improve the speed of your WordPress website. By adding the fonts you need directly to your website, you can avoid fetching them from external sources, resulting in a faster loading time for your pages.

Optimizing Elemental Websites

If you are working with an Elemental website, there are additional settings you can adjust to further optimize the speed of your WordPress website. By deactivating unnecessary features and enabling lazy loading, you can significantly improve your website’s performance.

Elemental Settings Details
Google Fonts Set to disable
Font Awesome Support Not loaded
Lazy Load Background Images Not activated

Speed Optimization Plugins and Code Snippets

To further enhance the speed of your WordPress website, you can utilize various free plugins and code snippets. Plugins such as Fast Press and WP Fastest Cache can help improve loading times, while code snippets can be added to your website to optimize HTML, CSS, and JS files.

Optimizing your WordPress website for speed is essential for providing a seamless user experience. By adjusting media settings, custom loading fonts, and utilizing speed optimization plugins, you can significantly improve the performance of your website.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adjust media settings to optimize image loading
  • Custom load fonts to avoid fetching them from external sources
  • Utilize speed optimization plugins and code snippets to further enhance website performance


  • How can I speed up my WordPress website without using premium optimization solutions?
  • What are the best practices for optimizing media settings on a WordPress website?

For further details, feel free to leave comments and share your experience with speed optimization on WordPress websites.


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