The global database object in WordPress is the ultimate boss that controls all the operations. This trick can make a huge impact on your plugin development journey. CRUD operations, such as insert, update, delete, and select can all be executed through this boss, allowing you to interact with the WordPress database smoothly and efficiently. So get to know the boss and make your development journey smoother and more efficient! 🚀

In this online video session, we will discuss the concept of Global Database Object inside WordPress. If you have missed this concept, you may face difficulty understanding the operations we perform in our best plugins. Stay tuned and subscribe to the channel to continue receiving amazing content uploads.

Exploring Global Database Object

Let’s dive into the concept of the global database object. This is a fundamental aspect that allows us to interact with WordPress databases, enabling operations like insert, update, delete, and select. Understanding this concept is crucial for creating a custom plugin inside WordPress.

Key Takeaways
Global Database Object is a crucial component of WordPress plugin development
– In our course, we have created custom pages, such as ‘DEMPLOY’ and ‘LISTEMPLOY’
– These forms and tables are implemented to interact with the database

As we’ve seen in the last video, Datadep Form Data, we save all the data we create from a form in this table. This essentially involves establishing a connection with the database. To understand this concept, it’s essential for us to discuss the Global $wpdb – where W$ stands for WordPress and DB stands for Database. Understanding how we can make use of all the methods through this object to create our system is crucial.

Interacting with the Database

The ways in which we interact with the database are essential for proper WordPress customization. With the ability to perform operations like insert, update, and delete, we need to understand the specifics and the methods involved.

Insert Command

For instance, in the command involving the Insert, we will execute the insert method to input data into our tables. Passing the table name and the set of data through the method enables us to save these to the database.

$wpdb->insert( 'wp4_data', array( 
    'Name' => 'All About Table Prefix', 
    'Email' => '',
    'Phone' => 1234567890, 
    'Gender' => 'Male',
    'Designation' => 'Engineer' 


In this video, we’ve explored the significance of Global Database Object and the crucial methods associated with it. Understanding these concepts and methods empowers us to elevate our WordPress plugin development. If you found this information valuable, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insightful content in the future. Thank you for watching!

Feel free to check out WordPress documentation for detailed insights.

🔥🔥 Happy Plugin Development! 👨🏻‍💻

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