The Interactivity API in WordPress 6.5 is a game-changer for developers. It simplifies HTML interaction, allows for sharing data between multiple components, and paves the way for greater flexibility in using the block editor. With its lightweight and performance-oriented nature, it is set to revolutionize JavaScript usage in WordPress. Plus, it promotes enhanced functionality and security. 🚀 #WordPressRevolution

The Interactivity API in WordPress 6.5 is a lightweight JavaScript API based on preactjs, aimed to standardize how developers interact with HTML in a reactive manner.

How Does the Interactivity API Work?

The API allows data information to be passed up and down the branches of the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) on interaction, such as clicking buttons, inputting text into a field, scrolling, and many other interactive actions.

Benefits of Using the Interactivity API

  • Allows sharing of data between multiple components
  • Provides greater flexibility for using the block editor
  • Already being used in various core blocks such as search, query, and navigation blocks

Using the Interactivity API in WordPress

To use the Interactivity API in WordPress, developers can create a new block from a template using npm or activate an existing block with WordPress Interactive. However, the process can be complex, and it is recommended to follow specific commands for creating and activating the interactive block.

Directives and Attributes

The Interactivity API uses directives, such as data-wp-interactive, data-wp-context, and data-wp-on, which are added to the HTML elements in the render PHP file. These directives connect the context and the state properties of the global data for the interactive block.

Practical Use Case for the Interactivity API

A practical use case for the Interactivity API is demonstrated in creating a pizza dough calculator, where the API allows for the scaling up of a recipe while maintaining consistency and flexibility in calculations.

Step-by-Step Development Process

The development process for the pizza dough calculator involves several steps, from understanding components with the interactive API to adding hydration percentages, updating context data, and converting ingredient amounts to appropriate units.

Summary and Conclusion

The Interactivity API in WordPress 6.5 offers a highly performant and lightweight solution for standardizing JavaScript interactions with HTML. It provides enhanced functionality and security, with the potential for even more diverse usage across various WordPress projects.

Key Takeaways

  • The Interactivity API in WordPress 6.5 is a lightweight JavaScript API based on preactjs
  • It allows for standardizing interactions with HTML in a reactive manner
  • Provides greater flexibility for using the block editor
  • Offers enhanced functionality and security for WordPress projects


  • How can developers use the Interactivity API in WordPress?
  • What are some practical use cases for the Interactivity API?
  • What are the key benefits of using the Interactivity API in WordPress?

Thank you for reading!

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