"Saving quick form data to database table is like capturing lightning in a bottle. Using request inside a custom plugin to save this data is like a secret code to unlock a treasure chest. It’s all about mastering the art of updating and saving, like a wizard casting a spell. And there you have it – data successfully updated, like a boss! 💥🔮"

Saving "Quick Edit Form Data" to Database Table 📚

In this tutorial, we will learn how to save quick form data to the database table using WordPress WP List Table. We will explore the process of using requests inside a custom plugin to save this data to our database table system.

Understanding Quick Edit Form Data

To begin with, we need to understand the process of using requests inside a custom plugin to save the quick edit form data to our database table system. This involves utilizing the concept of request response, along with the use of post request types.

Implementing Custom Classes

We will create and implement custom classes such as ‘button’ and ‘save’ to handle the quick edit form data. These classes will be responsible for handling the update and save operations of the data in our database table system.

Class Name Description
button Responsible for updates
save Handles the save operation

Working with Data IDs

A crucial part of this process is understanding the concept of data IDs. We will leverage the data IDs to uniquely identify and modify the book name, author, and cost in our database table system.

Utilizing Inline JavaScript

In order to effectively handle the quick edit form data, we will utilize inline JavaScript code. This code will help us manage the admin URL, ensuring a smooth and successful update of the data.

"JavaScript plays a key role in handling the quick edit form data and ensuring its seamless integration into our database table system."

Updating Database Table

After handling the quick edit form data, we will update the database table using the WordPress global object update method. This method will allow us to seamlessly update the information, ensuring that the data is successfully saved in our database table system.

Book ID Book Name Author Name Book Cost Status
6 Updated Author 4,000 1


In conclusion, this tutorial has provided a comprehensive guide on how to save quick edit form data to the database table using WordPress WP List Table. By leveraging requests, custom classes, and inline JavaScript, we have successfully managed and updated the data, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the use of requests in a custom plugin
  • Implementing custom classes for handling data updates
  • Utilizing inline JavaScript for seamless data management


Q: Can this method be used for other types of data?
A: Yes, the same method can be applied to save and update various types of data in the database table.

Q: Is inline JavaScript necessary for this process?
A: While not mandatory, inline JavaScript significantly enhances the efficiency of handling the quick edit form data.

Thank you for watching and have a great day! 🌟

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