WordPress WP List Table Tutorials in Hindi | Single Book Details Page View

📚 The single book details page is like a treasure map, with links leading to a world of information. It’s like a secret code that unlocks the hidden gems of a book. The ID parameter acts as the key to unlock the door to a world of knowledge. The details page is a window into the soul of the book, revealing its author, price, and image. It’s a fascinating journey into the heart of a story. So, buckle up and get ready to explore the wonders of the single book details page! Keep learning, keep exploring! 🌟

Introduction 📚

In this article, we will explore the single book details page view dedicated to WordPress WP List Table tutorials in Hindi.

Hello friends, the single book details page view features a dedicated layout for the details of a single book. When viewing the books list.php, we will see columns such as the book name, show all, show published, show trash, and more. This page also includes actions for all published and trashed books.

Data Parameters 💡

Here, we will delve into the key data parameters and values that contribute to the functionality of the single book details page view. This includes parameters such as book ID, action, and page, as well as their corresponding values.

Book ID and Action Parameters 📖

The book ID parameter is crucial for identifying the specific book in question, while the action parameter determines the action to be performed, whether it be viewing, editing, or removing the book details.

Functionality and Layout 🛠️

Now, we will explore the functionality and layout of the single book details page. This includes the form layout, JavaScript features, and the display of key book details such as the author’s name, book price, and image.

Column Name Description
Author Name of the author
Book Price Price of the book
Image Image of the book

Book Details Display 📕

The display of book details is critical to the user experience of this page. Here, we will discuss the details of the book, including the author’s name, book price, and image.

Update and Modify Book Details 📝

Users are able to update and modify the book details as needed. This includes features such as quick editing, adding images, and modifying book details such as the name, author, and price.


In conclusion, the single book details page view offers a comprehensive layout for viewing and modifying book details. This functionality enhances the user experience and allows for seamless management of book details within WordPress.

Key Takeaways:

  • The single book details page view features crucial parameters such as book ID and action.
  • Users can easily update and modify book details using the provided form and features.

Thank you for taking the time to explore this WordPress WP List Table tutorial in Hindi. Have a great day! 🌟

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