Delete operation in WordPress CRUD plugin tutorials is like deleting a bad song from your playlist. It’s a function that handles the delete button, confirms with a "Are you sure?" and then says "Bye-bye" to the data. Just like removing a sour note from a beautiful symphony! 🎡🚫#WordPress #WebDev


The tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on implementing the delete functionality in a WordPress CRUD plugin using an Ajax request. It covers the process of handling delete operations for data within the plugin management system, targeting beginners interested in PHP development from scratch.

🎬 Understanding the Functionality

The tutorial begins by demonstrating the complete data request system function, focusing on add, list, and update operations within the plugin management system. The HTML layout is set up using jQuery code, incorporating action buttons for edit, view, and delete operations.

πŸ“ Handling the Delete Function

To handle the delete function, a jQuery document click event is utilized to call the delete function. The necessary parameters, including the action and student ID, are defined for the delete request. After successfully deleting the student data, a confirmation message is displayed, and the page is reloaded after a brief delay.

🎯 Key Takeaways:

Action Description
Add Completing the data request system function
List Listing all the data within the plugin management system
Update Updating existing data records
Delete Deleting data effectively


  • How to confirm the delete operation before proceeding?
    • The tutorial integrates a JavaScript confirm alert box to ensure user intention before deleting data.

The tutorial successfully covers the complete process of implementing the delete functionality within a WordPress CRUD plugin. It offers essential insights for beginners and provides a comprehensive understanding of data operations.

The more lists, tables, bold, etc. (without exaggeration) the more likely the article is to rank on Google.

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