Sell digital products with WooCommerce and WhatsApp for an epic customer experience! Use the amazing Connect software for zero-coding automation. Set up triggers for different products and send them to customers via WhatsApp. It’s like magic! No need to thank me, just go ahead and try it out for yourself. 🚀🛍️ #GameChanger

Setting up the Connection 🌐

In this article, we’ll explore how to seamlessly connect WooCommerce with WhatsApp to automatically share digital products with customers. By using the Connect software and the WhatsApp Cloud API, setting up this connection becomes a hassle-free process.

Using the Connect Software

The Connect software provides an amazing platform for automation and integration. It eliminates the need for extensive coding skills and allows for easy setup. By following simple steps, you can establish a connection between your WooCommerce store and WhatsApp to share digital products effortlessly.

Creating Workflows and Triggers 🔄

Once you’ve logged into the Connect dashboard, you can create workflows that define trigger events and corresponding actions. By setting up triggers based on WooCommerce events and creating actions to share digital products on WhatsApp, you can effortlessly automate the process.

Setting up Webhooks

Integrating webhooks from WooCommerce to Connect is a crucial step in establishing the trigger for sharing digital products. By creating webhooks in your WooCommerce settings and connecting them to the Connect platform, you enable seamless communication between the two.

Sending Products via WhatsApp 📱

Upon receiving an order for digital products on your WooCommerce store, you can automatically share the products with the customer through WhatsApp using the WhatsApp Cloud API. This involves setting up templates and mapping product details to tailor the automated messages.

Setting up WhatsApp Templates

By generating and customizing message templates in the WhatsApp Cloud manager, you can ensure that the shared content includes all necessary product details and provides a seamless experience for the customer.

Creating Routes for Different Products 📦

To streamline the process further, you can create distinct routes for different digital products in your WooCommerce store. These routes allow you to set specific filters and actions for each product, tailoring the sharing process based on product type.

Automating Product Sharing

By mapping specific product details and setting up automated actions for each route, you can ensure that the right digital products are shared with the customer via WhatsApp based on their purchase.


In conclusion, connecting WooCommerce with WhatsApp to share digital products can be achieved seamlessly using the Connect software and the WhatsApp Cloud API. By following the outlined steps and setting up tailored workflows, you can automate the process and enhance the customer experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Utilize the Connect software for seamless automation.
  • Leverage webhooks to establish triggers from WooCommerce.
  • Customize WhatsApp templates for tailored product sharing.
  • Create distinct routes for different digital products.

Remember, the more efficiently you streamline the process of sharing digital products, the more enhanced the customer experience will be! 🚀

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