Using Wix AI Website Builder for quick site creation? More like a paint-by-numbers kit than a masterpiece. AI promises magic, but delivers templates. You’re left to tweak and twist, spending hours for what’s supposed to be instant. Save yourself the hassle. Skip the hype, stick to traditional tools. Wix? More like meh. 🎨


The text discusses the process of using the Wix AI Website Builder to create a website, exploring its features, user experience, and drawbacks. It delves into the step-by-step process of setting up a website using Wix’s AI, highlighting the options available for customization and the limitations of the AI in generating personalized designs efficiently. The narrator shares their experience with the platform, expressing disappointment in the lack of significant AI contribution and the need for manual adjustments despite the promise of automated website creation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wix’s AI Website Builder offers a convenient way to create websites but falls short in delivering truly personalized designs efficiently.
  • Despite the promise of AI automation, users still need to invest time in manual adjustments and customization to tailor the website to their preferences.
  • The platform provides options for domain integration and customization of colors, themes, and page layouts.
  • Users may find the templates and features offered by Wix similar to those available on other website-building platforms, raising questions about the effectiveness of AI in revolutionizing website creation.
  • The text serves as a cautionary tale for those considering Wix for website development, suggesting that the platform may not live up to its AI promises.

How to Get Started with Wix AI Website Builder 💻:

Setting Up Your Website:

  1. Creating an Account: Begin by signing up for a Wix account using Google, Facebook, or email.
  2. Defining Your Website Purpose: Specify whether the website is for personal use, business, or client projects.
  3. Customizing Site Details: Provide details about your business, niche focus, target audience, and unique selling point.
  4. Generating Your Site: Let Wix AI generate a personalized website layout based on your inputs.
Steps Description
Creating an Account Sign up with Google, Facebook, or email.
Defining Your Website Purpose Specify the purpose of the website: personal, business, or client projects.
Customizing Site Details Provide business details, niche focus, target audience, and unique selling point.
Generating Your Site Let Wix AI generate a personalized website layout based on your inputs.

Editing Your Website:

  • Navigating the Editor: Familiarize yourself with the editor interface, where you can customize various elements.
  • Adding Elements: Utilize the "Add Elements" feature to incorporate text, images, buttons, and more.
  • Customizing Design: Adjust colors, themes, and page layouts to align with your brand identity.
  • Connecting Social Media: Integrate Instagram and Facebook to enhance your website’s social presence.

"The Wix AI Website Builder promises convenience but falls short in delivering personalized designs efficiently." – User’s Experience

Is Wix AI Worth Your Time? 🤔:


  • Convenient setup process.
  • Offers customization options for colors, themes, and layouts.
  • Integration with social media platforms.


  • Lack of significant AI contribution in generating personalized designs.
  • Users still need to invest time in manual adjustments and customization.
  • Templates and features may not be significantly different from other website-building platforms.


While Wix’s AI Website Builder offers convenience in setting up a website, its promise of automated design generation falls short in practice. Users may find themselves needing to invest considerable time in manual adjustments, questioning the effectiveness of AI in revolutionizing website creation. As the platform evolves, it may address these shortcomings, but for now, users should approach with caution and consider alternative options for website development.


Q: Can Wix AI create fully customized websites?
A: Wix AI offers personalized layouts based on user inputs, but users may still need to manually customize elements for a fully tailored website.

Q: Are there alternatives to Wix AI for website building?
A: Yes, there are several website-building platforms available, such as WordPress and Squarespace, offering similar features and customization options.

Q: Does Wix AI offer domain integration?
A: Yes, Wix AI allows users to integrate their own domain for a more professional online presence.

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