Adding a link in your Wix website is as easy as tying your shoelaces! Just double-click, highlight the text, and add the link. Choose to open it in a new window for an extra punch. Now, your website is ready to rock and roll with some snazzy links!🚀

🔗 Easy Steps to Adding a Link in Wix Website

First things first, let’s find the text we want to add a link to. In this case, it says, "Discovered a marketing Island from James Kenzel… Read about him here." This is the text we want to make a link.

Once we’ve found the text, we can simply double click and highlight the text. Then, we can tap on the link section and choose the page we want to link to on our Wix website. If you prefer to link to a web address, you can type it in and choose to open it in a new window for better user experience.

Step Process
1 Double click on the text you want to link
2 Tap on the link section
3 Choose the page or type in the web address
4 Choose to open the link in a new window for a better user experience

🔗 Best Practice: Opening Links in a New Window

It’s recommended to open external links in a new window to ensure that users can easily navigate back to your website. This provides a seamless user experience and keeps them engaged with your content.

Finally, remember to save and publish your changes to make the link live on your Wix website. By following these simple steps, you can easily add a link to your Wix website and enhance the user experience for your visitors.

Key Takeaways
– Adding a link in Wix is a simple and straightforward process
– Opening links in a new window provides a better user experience
– Always save and publish your changes to make the link live

I hope you found this tutorial valuable and if you did, be sure to give it a thumbs up! Thank you for watching and stay tuned for more helpful tips in my next video.

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