"Adding a product to cart is like hitting the jackpot! It’s all about the thrill of the click, but once it’s done, you gotta show that cart who’s boss. No accidental double clicks here, just disable that ‘Add to Cart’ button and send the user straight to the actual cart page. It’s all about that smooth user experience! 🛒💥"


In this episode of our e-commerce miniseries, we continue to explore the custom product page in Wix. We will focus on adding products to the cart and implementing the necessary functionality to make this process seamless.

Key Takeaways

  • This episode explores the process of adding products to the cart using the Wix APIs.
  • Aon will be leading the design implementation for the next several episodes in the series.

Adding Products to the Cart 🛒

Basics of Custom Product Page

We’ve established the basics of our custom product page, including connecting various elements and setting up options, drop-downs, and tags. Now, it’s time to enable users to add their chosen products to the cart seamlessly.

"The cart API, specifically the cart API is crucial for adding products to the cart."

Implementing the Cart API

We’ll be using the cart API to enable users to add products to the cart. It’s important to thoroughly understand the documentation to ensure a smooth implementation.

Function Name Description
add_products Adds the selected products to the user’s cart
show_mini_cart Displays a mini cart to indicate successful add

Implementation in the IDE 🖥️

Importing the Cart

In the IDE, we start by importing the necessary code for the product page. This includes importing the cart from the Wix backend frontend.

  • We’ll call the add_products method within the onclick function of the "add to cart" button.

Testing the Functionality ✅

Testing the Changes

After implementing the necessary code, we need to thoroughly test the functionality to ensure a smooth user experience.

"A successful test ensures that the product is added to the cart with the chosen options and quantities."

Additional Customizations

After adding the product to the cart, we can also consider implementing additional features such as showing a mini cart or automatically redirecting users to the cart page.


The process of adding products to the cart is a crucial part of the e-commerce experience. By leveraging the Wix cart API, we can ensure a seamless and efficient process for users.

Key Takeaways:

  • The cart API functionality is essential for adding products to the cart.
  • Thorough testing and additional customizations can enhance the overall user experience.

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