Making 1 million per day with a new online business using only a laptop and internet? It’s possible! By selling products from Shopee on Facebook, you can take advantage of the low prices and make a killing. With the right strategy, you can turn a profit without holding any inventory. It’s a game-changer! πŸš€

Introduction πŸ“ˆ

In this video, I will attempt to generate R million per day through a new online business using only a laptop, HP, and the internet. Hello everyone, my name is Ahra, and I am a digital marketer and an online merchant. If this video is useful to you, please subscribe to my channel to get more content like this in the future.

The Strategy πŸ“¦

In this video, we will try to sell products online on Facebook. To be able to do that, we need products. As of now, we don’t have any products to sell, so we will source them from Shopee and resell them on Facebook. Shopee offers products at incredibly low prices due to most sellers importing them from China. Despite this, the low prices give sellers very thin margins, making it a competitive marketplace.

Dropshipping Methodologies πŸ›’

To resell products from Shopee, we have two options: buy the products first and sell them later, or use the dropshipping method. We will be using the latter as it requires much less initial capital to start selling on Facebook.

The Facebook Sales Process πŸš€

There are four steps to begin selling on Facebook – selecting the products, creating a website to sell them, producing promotional video content, and advertising the website on Facebook. Let’s go through the first step now.

Product Selection πŸ›

After an hour of product research, I have identified a practical mop as the product I want to sell. It solves a common issue faced by most mops and is an ideal candidate for our Facebook sales experiment.

Website Creation πŸ’»

Using Berdu, I was able to create a website containing the product details, pictures, descriptions, specifications, and an attractive offer. We managed to craft an enticing offer, significantly lower than the product’s price on Shopee, to lure potential buyers to make a purchase on our website.

Advertising on Facebook πŸ“²

We used Capcut and Content Hub to edit and modify a compelling promotional video. We then set up our ad on Facebook’s Ads Manager, and within hours, we started witnessing promising results.

Results and Final Outcome πŸ“Š

After days of running the ad, we recorded a surge in orders and revenue. Our advertising efforts paid off, and we successfully reached our daily revenue goal of R1 million by the end of the experiment.

Lessons and Opportunities πŸ’‘

With careful planning and efficient execution, we were able to generate significant revenue through dropshipping products from Shopee to Facebook. I have an exclusive class where I teach the intricacies of this unique dropshipping approach. If interested, you can find the link in the video description.

Conclusion 🌟

I hope this video has been insightful and inspiring. Until next time, stay successful and don’t forget to subscribe.

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