SMS bump is like the caffeine for your Shopify store, driving sales and creating a top Revenue Channel with over 25 times the AI. It’s like a personal text message wizard that can bring back inactive customers with discounts and turn site visitors into subscribers with a popup. It’s like having a virtual assistant that automates your marketing and drives up sales behind the scenes. So, if you want to boost your Shopify Drop Shipping game, SMS bump is the way to go! 🚀


In this tutorial, we will explore how to use SMS and email marketing for Shopify dropshipping using SMSBump. We will cover the process of creating an account, setting up automated marketing, collecting subscribers, enabling SMS marketing, creating campaigns, and more.

Creating an Account on YPO

To get started with SMSBump, the first step is to create an account on YPO. Once signed up, the next step is to automate your SMS marketing with SMSBump.

Automated SMS Marketing with SMSBump

SMSBump allows you to send personalized text messages to your shoppers, driving sales and creating a top revenue channel with over 25 times the AI. The next step is to add SMSBump to your Shopify page and install the app.

Setting Up Your Account

After installing the SMSBump app on your Shopify store, the next step is to set up your account. This includes automating your marketing, driving up sales with automated texts and email flows, and collecting SMS and email subscribers.

Customizing Your Popup

You can customize the look of your popup to match your brand and offer incentives such as discounts to encourage visitors to subscribe.

Enabling SMS Marketing

Once your account is set up, you can enable SMS marketing in your Shopify settings and customize the checkout settings to add an optional phone number to your shipping address.

Creating Campaigns and Flows

With SMSBump, you can create SMS and email campaigns to engage your subscribers and maximize revenue. You can also create flows triggered by subscriber actions or behaviors on your site.

Campaign Planner

Use the upcoming events to engage with your subscribers and send high-converting SMS and email campaigns. You can customize and schedule your campaigns for later.

Email Templates

SMSBump provides default templates for your email campaigns, making it easy to create engaging and visually appealing emails for your subscribers.

Audience and Analytics

You can collect subscribers, grow your subscriber list, and reach more potential customers using SMSBump’s audience tools. Additionally, you can track the performance of your campaigns and analyze subscriber data to tailor your marketing efforts.


SMSBump offers integrations with various services such as Slack, HubSpot, and MailChimp, allowing you to connect and streamline your marketing efforts across platforms.

In conclusion, SMSBump provides a comprehensive solution for SMS and email marketing for Shopify dropshipping, empowering merchants to engage with their subscribers and drive revenue through personalized and automated marketing strategies. If you found this tutorial helpful, don’t forget to like and subscribe for more content. See you next time! 👋

Key Takeaways:

  • SMSBump enables personalized text messaging for Shopify dropshipping.
  • Automated marketing and customizable campaigns are essential for engaging subscribers.
  • Integrations with other services can streamline and enhance your marketing efforts.

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