"Los adultos mayores van a recibir un pago histórico. ¡12,000 pesos! 💰 No importa si vienen de la ciudad o del campo, todos recibirán este merecido beneficio. Escuchen todos, es el comienzo de una nueva era para nuestros abuelitos. Sepan que esto será mensual, como un reloj suizo. Este increíble apoyo no tiene precedentes en la historia de la nación. Es un triunfo para nuestro México. Toca difundir esta buena noticia para que todos estén informados."

🚨💵 #PensiónParaAdultosMayores DECLARE ATENCIÓN 🚀 Putin 8jpnNumbers cosas pic.twitter.com/KahMoQK_1b

This information concerns the deposit of pensions. Here’s how much we can expect to receive in February.

In February, the elderly will receive their pension from the Secretariat of Welfare.

¿Cuánto Cobrarás? 💰

The monthly deposit will be for a historic amount to help millions of households, with each beneficiary receiving 12,000 pesos.

Getting the Right Information 🧾

The president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has ordered the payments for the elderly, not only for the months of April and June, but also for the following months, as part of the welfare program for more than 30 million people.

How the Process Works 🏛️

The Secretariat of Welfare is managing the funds to ensure that everyone who is entitled to these pensions receives them in a timely manner.

Querying the Payments 💵

For specific questions about payments or how to claim, the Secretariat can be contacted directly.

Daily Updates and Information Sources 📆

Information and updates can be found on Instagram and other social media platforms.

Reassurance for the Future ⏳

Adults should not worry about the safety of their funds because the Secretariat continually updates about the progress of these payments.

Commending Transparency and Assurance 👍

The government has made it a point to keep its word and make sure that those who are supposed to receive these pensions are not forgotten or neglected.

Dos and Don’ts ❌

It is important for recipients to avoid sharing sensitive details with unverified individuals and remain patient in case of delays in the delivery of the payments.

Offering Support and Guidance 🚻

For those with queries about the cards or seeking assistance when applying for them, the Secretariat of Welfare has a dedicated helpline.

Staying Updated on the Process ✍️

The Secretary has announced the starting of payments for eligible beneficiaries aged 65 and over, and will continue to highlight the schedule and details of this process.

Addressing Concerns and Queries ✉️

To ensure that the people who deserve to receive these welfare benefits have access to them, continuous updates are being provided.

Availability of Payments 📅

Beneficiaries can expect these payments in the coming months and rest assured they will receive the amounts they are owed.

Response to Specific Queries 📞

Providing any further support or information that is missing through direct contact with the authorities could prove to be helpful.

Clarifying Matters for the Community 🗣️

The availability of these payments should be well publicized so that all eligible recipients are aware of this and do not face any inconvenience.

Conclusion ✅

The importance of transparency and timely payments to the eligible recipients is invaluable, and these efforts will help support those in need.

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