Creating a killer footer in WordPress is a cinch with Divi. It’s like building a cake – simple and sweet. Just follow the steps, add your business info, links, and socials, and voila! A stunning footer ready to rock your website. Get ready to impress your visitors with a footer that looks good enough to eat! 🍰 #WordPress #Divi #WebDesign

The Challenge of Creating a Footer in WordPress

Creating a functional and attractive footer inside WordPress can be somewhat of a challenge, especially for beginners. Today, my focus is to share how anyone can use one of my favorite visual page builders to simply create a footer inside WordPress in just a few minutes.

Tutorial Subscription

Before we dive into the tutorial, consider subscribing to stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and tools to help your small business thrive online.

Getting Started with Divi Theme

If you’re completely new to using the Divi theme, I’ve added a beginners tutorial in the description to help you get up and running with Divi. This tutorial will guide you through the installation and setup of the theme, as well as show you step by step how to use the Divi page builder to create your website pages.

Customizing the Default Footer

By default, once you install the Divi theme, your footer will look the same on each of your website pages. But how can we actually customize our footer with the Divi theme? Let’s navigate to the backend of our WordPress website and locate the Divi theme builder.

Building the Global Footer

Within the Divi theme builder, we can navigate to add a global footer and create a footer that will appear at the bottom of every page of our website. We can simply add new rows and select the number of rows based on the type of footer we want to create.

Module Customization
Text Add business name
Links Useful, quick access
Contact Email, phone numbers
Social Media Add business’s social media channels

"A stunning footer for your WordPress website can be easily achieved with the Divi theme builder. Customization options include text modules, links, contact information, and social media follow buttons."

Preview and Optimization

After customizing our footer, it’s important to preview how it looks on different devices and make any necessary adjustments. Ensuring responsiveness across devices is key to a successful footer design.


Creating a footer for your WordPress website using Divi is a simple and effective way to enhance the user experience. With the ability to customize and optimize the footer, you can create a functional and visually appealing element for your website.

Key Takeaways:

  • Utilize Divi theme builder for footer customization
  • Ensure responsiveness across devices
  • Include essential contact information and links

FAQ: How can I add a logo to my footer using Divi?
To add a logo to your footer, simply use an image module and upload your logo. You can then customize the margins or padding to ensure it fits seamlessly.

Remember, when creating a footer in WordPress, simplicity and functionality are key. Take the time to carefully customize and optimize your footer to provide a seamless user experience for your website visitors.

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