WordPress Block Editor: A Real Headache
Trying to build a layout in WordPress turned into a disaster. I thought it would be a breeze, but everything went haywire. I struggled to add blocks, customize the design, and set up image grids. It was a frustrating and time-consuming experience. Maybe WordPress isn’t as user-friendly as people say… 🤯

The experience of building a layout with the WordPress block editor was challenging and did not go as planned. Despite working on a project, there were considerable difficulties with the default plugins and the overall user experience.

A Learning Experience

After installing the WordPress block editor, the user encountered multiple issues related to creating a layout. The user attempted to add and modify content, but faced numerous challenges and was less than pleased with the overall result.


  • Attempting to edit within the WordPress block editor can be a frustrating experience
  • Customization and layout modification seem to be much more challenging than originally anticipated

Troubleshooting Process

Despite encountering various difficulties with adding, modifying, and organizing content, the user attempted to navigate through the process and troubleshoot to achieve the desired layout.

Editor User Experience

The default user experience and interface of the WordPress block editor was not user-friendly, resulting in a less-than-ideal experience for both new users and developers.

Seeking Solutions

The user was determined to push forward and sought out alternative methods and practices to overcome the challenges faced with the WordPress block editor.

Key Takeaways Table:

| Frustrations | Challenges | Objectives |
| ———— | ———- | ———- |
| Layout customization | Inefficient user experience | Seeking alternative solutions |
| Content modification | Default user interface | Troubleshooting approaches |

Revisiting the Video Tutorial

After struggling with multiple issues related to the layout creation and modification process, the user revisited a video tutorial in search of helpful insights and solutions.

Building a layout with the WordPress block editor proved to be a more challenging endeavor than initially perceived, urging the user to seek alternative methods and resources to improve user experience in future projects.

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