Criar uma landing page no WordPress e Elementor é fácil e grátis! Basta seguir o passo a passo e ter um computador à mão. É uma maneira confiável de promover produtos e serviços, criando uma página atrativa. Use sua criatividade para criar uma página eficaz que irá convencer seus clientes a comprar! 🚀

# Como Criar uma LANDING PAGE no WordPress e Elementor Grátis [Página de Vendas Passo a Passo]

## Takeaways
| Points | Details |
| ——- | ——- |
| Steps | Learn how to create a landing page on WordPress and Elementor |
| Tutorial | Step-by-step guide to create a sales page |
| Platform | Free to use on Elementor |

### 📝 Introduction

The text provides details on how to create a landing page on WordPress and Elementor, offering a step-by-step guide through the process.

### 💡 Helpful Tips

Creating a landing page is simplified by following video instructions that guide through the process.

### 🛠️ Configuring Hosting and Domains

| Hosting | Cost |
| ——- | —- |
| 1 Year | $48 |
| 6 Months | $14 |
| 2 Years | $24 |

### 📣 Getting Started with WordPress

To get started with WordPress, it is important to finalize the domain name and install WordPress.

### 🌐 Accessing WordPress Admin

The text provides a guide on accessing the WordPress admin dashboard and making modifications and updates.

### 🖼️ Using the Elementor Page Builder

The Elementor page builder simplifies the process of creating and customizing landing pages.

### 🛒 Designing Your Landing Page

The text guides on designing a purposeful landing page that encourages action and a purchase decision.

### 📖 Conclusion

In conclusion, the text provides a comprehensive guide on creating a landing page on WordPress and Elementor, highlighting the importance of a well-designed sales page that achieves the desired objectives.

**Key Takeaways:**
– The cost of hosting on WordPress
– Simplified access to WordPress
– Utilizing the Elementor page builder
– Designing an effective landing page
– Crafting the perfect sales page that drives results.

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