"Dropshipping may be hot, but let’s be real – it’s a crowded pool of the same stuff. You gotta be original and create real brands if you wanna stand out. Don’t just follow the trends and hope for the best. Do your homework, figure out what the market really wants. It’s all about finding your own angle and creating something unique. Trust me, it’s worth it. Cheers, guys! πŸš€πŸ”πŸ›’"


In this article, we will explore Leila Hormozi’s insights on making money through dropshipping on Shopify. Leila highlights the challenges faced by dropshippers due to increased competition and the need to establish real brands to succeed in the market.

High Competition and Low Returns

Dropshipping has become a popular method of doing business, leading to increased competition in the market. However, the returns from dropshipping have decreased over time. The key reasons for this decline are the high demand, low barrier to entry, and intense competition on pricing.

Challenges Impact
High Competition Reduced profitability
Low Barrier to Entry Increased number of competitors
Intense Pricing Competition Diminished profit margins

The Importance of Establishing Real Brands

According to Leila Hormozi, the solution to the challenges faced in dropshipping lies in establishing real brands. She emphasizes the need to invest in building a strong company and exerting efforts to promote products effectively.

"Unless you are willing to build a real brand, put in substantial money and effort into marketing, dropshipping may not offer a lucrative opportunity."

Competing in a Red Market

Leila highlights the issue of dropshippers competing in a "red market" where products are objectively similar and perceived as interchangeable. To succeed, she advocates for creating originality and differentiating products in this highly saturated market.

Market Research and Product Fit

For startup founders and small business owners, Leila emphasizes the importance of conducting extensive market research. This involves analyzing reviews, understanding the target market, and ensuring market and product alignment.

Steps for Market Research
Google Reviews Analysis
Understanding Target Market
Developing Market-Product Fit

Ideation and Originality

Furthermore, Leila suggests that ideas are crucial and often more important than heavy investment in advertising. Finding an original idea, combining it with an existing concept, and creating a unique market niche can lead to long-term success.

"Original ideas, combined with existing concepts, form the basis for creating a unique market segment."


In conclusion, Leila’s insights shed light on the challenges and solutions in the dropshipping industry. By emphasizing the establishment of real brands, conducting thorough market research, and ideation, she provides valuable guidance for success in the competitive dropshipping landscape.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Establish Real Brands: Focus on building a strong brand image to stand out in the market.
  2. Thorough Market Research: Analyze market data to identify trends and demands.
  3. Idea Generation: Emphasize originality and innovation for long-term success.

Hope you found this article useful.

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