xCloud hosting is the next-gen WordPress hosting with a focus on optimizing performance and simplifying the concept of cloud hosting. It offers seamless integration and automation with other cloud providers, one-click server creation, and unlimited website creation. With a user-friendly UI and affordability starting at $5, it’s a top-notch Cloudways alternative for WordPress websites. Plus, you can create one server and 10 sites with a free trial plan, along with $100 Vultr credit. Try it out and experience the magic! πŸš€


In today’s article, we will explore the new WordPress hosting service, xCloud, and analyze its features and capabilities as a potential alternative to Cloudways for hosting WordPress websites.

xCloud: The Next Gen WordPress Hosting 🌟

xCloud is a dedicated WordPress hosting and server management platform that aims to optimize WordPress websites through automation, performance maximization, and simplified cloud hosting. Let’s delve into the key features of xCloud.

Features Description
SM Integration and Automation xCloud allows for seamless integration and automation with other cloud providers, email providers, DNS management, and storage providers, such as GCP, Vure, or other servers. Users can easily set up email, manage DNS, and store data with ease using xCloud’s SM integration and automation capabilities.
One-Click Server Creation With xCloud, users can effortlessly create servers with just a few clicks, obtaining root access from the source server via SSH. Additionally, WordPress setup is quick and efficient, and users can manage staging environments and perform site migration with ease. xCloud ensures seamless server management and unlimited database control, along with auto-healing features.
Migration xCloud offers free WordPress migration, allowing users to smoothly migrate websites from CPanel and SE hosting. The platform also provides site backups and remote storage options for data security and peace of mind.

xCloud vs. Cloudways: A Comparative Analysis πŸ”„

Now, let’s compare the features of xCloud with those of Cloudways to determine which platform offers the best hosting alternative for WordPress websites.

Features xCloud Cloudways
Hosting Type Cloud Cloud Servers
Pricing Starts from $5 per month Starts from $1 per month
Root Access Available in xCloud Not available in Cloudways
Unlimited Website Creation Supported in xCloud Available
One-Click Engine Configuration for Caching Plugin Available in xCloud Not available
Full Page and R C Caching Available in both platforms Available in both platforms
Integration with Cloud Storage Available in xCloud Not available
Transactional Email Service Available in both platforms Available in both platforms
WordPress Code Update Feature Available in xCloud Not available
Automatic Security Updates Available in both platforms Available in both platforms
Account and Role Management for Teams Available in xCloud Not available
Multiple PHP Version in the Same Server Available in xCloud Not available
Build F Site and Server Migration Add Existing Database Available in xCloud Not available
One-Click Magic Login Available in xCloud Not available
White Labeling Available in xCloud Not available
Money Back Guarantee 14 days in xCloud Not available
Free Trial Plan Offers 10 sites with one server in xCloud Not mentioned

Exploring xCloud’s Unique Features πŸ”

Let’s delve into the distinctive features of xCloud that set it apart from other hosting providers, such as its robust team management capabilities, seamless compatibility, automatic updates, and user-friendly interface.

Dashboard Navigation and Features πŸ–₯️

Upon logging into xCloud, users are greeted with a user-friendly dashboard that offers comprehensive team management options, seamless compatibility with caching plugins, unlimited website creation, and automatic updates for themes, plugins, and WordPress core.

Unique Free Trial Plan πŸ†“

xCloud offers a unique free trial plan that allows users to create one server and install 10 sites, providing an opportunity to explore the platform’s capabilities before making a commitment.

Efficient Server Setup βš™οΈ

The platform’s intuitive dashboard enables users to create new servers with ease, allowing integration with existing accounts and seamless management of servers across different cloud providers.


xCloud emerges as a promising alternative to Cloudways for hosting WordPress websites, offering a wealth of features, user-friendly interface, and an affordable pricing model. With its robust capabilities and unique free trial plan, xCloud provides users with a compelling hosting solution for WordPress websites.

Key Takeaways

  1. xCloud offers seamless integration and automation with other cloud providers, email providers, and storage providers.
  2. The platform provides a unique free trial plan, enabling users to create one server and install 10 sites.
  3. xCloud’s user-friendly interface and robust team management capabilities set it apart from other hosting providers.


Q: Is xCloud suitable for hosting multiple WordPress websites?
A: Yes, xCloud allows for unlimited website creation under one server, making it ideal for managing multiple WordPress websites.

In conclusion, xCloud showcasing its unique features, user-friendly interface, and robust capabilities, emerges as a compelling alternative to Cloudways for WordPress website hosting. With a comprehensive analysis of its features and distinct advantages, users can make an informed decision when choosing a hosting provider for their WordPress websites.

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