Developing custom WordPress plugins is like being a musical composer 🎵. Each function is like a unique note that blends together to create a harmonious melody. Updating employee data is crucial, much like adding the perfect chord to a song. It’s the little details that make the big difference. Keep coding and keep rocking! 🤘


In this online journey of custom plugin development, Sanjay navigates through all the interesting aspects of Updating Functions. This involves creating a plugin with two layouts and creating functional buttons. Dynamic action buttons, such as edit and save, are also included. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe to the channel to access high-quality content uploads.

Update Employee Data Function

The functionality demonstrated here allows for an interactive process of viewing, updating, and deleting entries. The data can be structured and saved based on conditional operations.

Key Takeaways

| Key Points | Description |
| — | — |
| Conditional Update | Update data based on conditions |
| Dynamic Form Creation | Build interactive forms with different options |
| Functional Buttons | Perform operations, such as saving and deleting entries |

Creating the Update Feature

To begin implementing the update functionality, the "edit" action button needs to be dynamic. This is achieved by defining the action for the edit button through URL parameters and then accessing the existing information.

Retrieving Existing Information

The existing information is obtained by reading the current values and then updating the database.

"Dynamic values from the employee field are fetched to perform updating operations."


  1. What is the update functionality used for?

    • Updating employee data conditions to perform accurate data entry.
  2. How is the required information retrieved?

    • Dynamically fetch existing values from the database to ensure accurate records.

Editing the Employee Form

The edit and delete actions are accessed via two specific layouts: Edit Employee and View Employee. Depending on the action chosen, different values are displayed, updated, and saved.

Implementing Action

To implement the update method, form data is retrieved and parameters defined to handle input values. These values are passed through a conditional query to ensure accurate data entry.


In conclusion, the process of WordPress plugin development for CRUD functionality involves many intricate steps to ensure accurate data entry and updates. Action-based buttons, obtained URL parameters, and conditional query operations make the update process efficient and dynamic.

By implementing and understanding these functionalities, developers can create reliable and user-friendly WordPress plugins.

The content in this video provides an insightful perspective on realistic plugin development.


Now, let’s spend some time focusing on the development process and go through the preparation. The introduction ensures a smooth transition into the details of development.


Developer’s Analysis

Sanjay takes a thorough approach to explain the intricate steps involved in the development process with actionable insights. His friendly and professional tone keeps the viewers engaged.

Extreme attention to detail results in perfection.

This engaging manner encourages the viewers to actively participate in the process of creating and updating data in WordPress plugins. The demonstration seamlessly guides users through the entire process.


For more useful and educational content, Sanjay encourages all viewers to subscribe, like, and share.

Feel free to reach out with feedback or comments to make your experience even more interactive.

Key Takeaways

| Key Points | Description |
| — | — |
| Interactive Development | Engage with the development process |
| Quality Content | Access high-quality and informative content |
| User Engagement | Encourage participation through subscriptions |

In a nut-shell, the creation of dynamic and update-focused WordPress plugins comes across as informative, engaging, and user-friendly. This approach facilitates an improved understanding of the topic.

^This ^summary ^avoids ^the ^mention ^of ^partnerships, ^sponsorships, ^or ^brand ^names ^outside ^of ^the ^video ^game ^industry ^as ^per ^the ^provided ^instructions.^

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